
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Self Evaluation

1. First and for most I would like to say that English 15S was my favorite course this semester. I have learned many things throughout this semester. Many things such as how to develop a voice and express the relationship between my brother in my memoir and how to be a strong individual who is always on the look out for the arts that are among us. I learned that there are unique pieces of art throughout our campus. Also I learned the difference between pathos, logos and ethos. Ethos is based on creditability, pathos is the emotional appeal and logos are the reasoning aspect of the situation. I have learned to connect with an audience outside of the traditional stands. We also learned how to blog, and to attract an audience through color, format, and text. We also learned how to write a visual analysis, movie review, and a memoir. In the visual analysis we used pathos, logos and ethos in describing an ad. We attended a college flim weekend, which was awesome because we were able to go and watch something of our own choice. I went to watch Scream 2 because I love scary movies this was actually my first time watching this movie. I managed to skip in out of the series so this was such a perfect opportunity. We also learned how to decode advertisements. Meaning we can now look at them and figure out what the creator wants to appeal to us. Color, Style, Font, Text all has a huge impact on the ad also. We also travelled over to the beautiful Arboretum, which is located on the North side of our campus. We looked at the beauty of nature through the life of the plants. English 15S helped me to venture outside of my comfort and attack new experiences. We also attended the Palmer Museum and we had to interpret a picture that interests us. Toward the end of the course we were placed into groups and were to come up with a cultural exhibit. My group was awesome and I loved meeting with them as well as watching our fashion exhibit travel across time.
         English 15S not only covered what was on the syllabus but it also helped me to develop pride in the community that I live in. As we adventured out we learned about many things that are surrounded around us. I feel like even though I have a little free time I always manage to get out to a few events her and their. Penn State provides it students with many things that can entertain the students. I am extremely happy that I took English 15S I learned many things about myself as well as the arts. We adventured out on many field trips throughout the semester and these events were definitely unforgettable. I am thankful that I was provided with the opportunity to take such an awesome course with such a great course with a stellar professor. I am sad that our time together is slowly coming to an end.


3. Hi, Ms. S I completed my SRTEs !!! :)

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